
In Nicaragua, Helping Farmers Build Resilience to Climate Threats

Over the years, Rosa Gonzales has seen firsthand how climate change has impacted her small farm. After joining a TechnoServe program, she learned techniques to improve her resilience to climate threats and is now transforming her old banana trees into new opportunities for her farm and family.

One Year of COVID-19: Elisabeth Atchade, Cashew Farmer in Benin

In this series, we check back with TechnoServe program participants previously featured on our blog, documenting how their lives have changed and progressed. In our previous story on Elisabeth Atchade, a cashew farmer in Benin, the COVID-19 pandemic and resultant market panic left her with uncertainty about the future of her cashew production. Find out how she is doing now, eight months later.

One Year of COVID-19: Juliana Solís Barón, Entrepreneur in Peru

In this series, we check back with TechnoServe program participants previously featured on our blog, documenting how their lives have changed and progressed. In our previous story on Juliana Solís Barón, an entrepreneur and café owner in Peru, she was learning how to reinvent her business in response to strict lockdown restrictions. Find out how she is doing now, five months later.