Central America

Women Transforming El Salvador Through Recycling: Claudia’s “La Vaquerita” Journey

Explore Claudia "La Vaquerita" Alvarado's story in El Salvador, where her recycling initiative fuels the local circular economy, improving solid waste management issues and promoting job creation. Through La Vaquerita, Claudia increases environmental sustainability and provides employment, an important combination for economic growth.

Creating Youth Opportunities In El Salvador: Entrepreneurship, Job Creation, & Women’s Employment

Discover the journey of Gabi Garcia, the manager at Cochecito, a baby clothing boutique in San Salvador. Her experience highlights how small businesses are a lifeline for many young Salvadorians facing limited job opportunities. Through a TechnoServe program creating youth opportunities, small businesses like Cochecito are creating jobs, strengthening communities, and ensuring a brighter future for youth and women in El Salvador.

Silvopastoral Systems: A Win-Win for Cattle Ranchers and the Environment

In Nicaragua, agriculture — and livestock production, in particular — is a primary driver of deforestation. Over the years, as cattle ranching has increased, so has land degradation throughout the country. By adopting silvopastoral systems, which integrate trees, shrubs, and grasses with livestock, farmers can improve their livelihoods and restore local ecosystems.

Quiz: How much do you know about the gender gap? 

The World Economic Forum recently published its annual report on the global gender gap with more information on modern gender disparities across different industries. TechnoServe works globally to economically empower women with programs that help women entrepreneurs develop their businesses. How much do you know about the gender gap?  In…