Survey: COVID-19 Challenges and Responses for African Food Processors, Second Edition
A survey of food processing firms in seven African countries reveals the challenges facing the sector during the COVID-19 pandemic.
A survey of food processing firms in seven African countries reveals the challenges facing the sector during the COVID-19 pandemic.
For the past three years, TechnoServe has partnered with Citi Foundation to celebrate Global Community Day — an opportunity to give back to local communities through service. This year, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Citi is partnering with TechnoServe’s Smart Duka program to distribute care packages to children’s homes and senior homes in Nairobi, Kenya.
TechnoServe is working to improve the livelihoods of smallholder coffee, honey, and spice farmers in Ethiopia's Majang Zone while enhancing forest conservation.
Robin Merl worked as a TechnoServe Fellow in Zambia in 2019. His work centered around strategies for decreasing malnutrition and stunting in the most affected areas of Zambia. Before joining TechnoServe, Robin worked with McKinsey & Company in Hamburg, Germany. Currently, he is working for the Freetown City Council and mayor’s office in Sierra Leone.
National Geographic highlights the work Nespresso and TechnoServe are doing to revive Zimbabwe's coffee sector.
In sub-Saharan Africa, TechnoServe is helping food processors to fortify their foods and build nutritious, productive, and prosperous futures for their communities.
Unable to find employment in his community, Francis Kihara ended up in prison. Watch our video to see how the STRYDE program helped him learn the confidence and skills he needed to start a new business and rebuild his life.
Like many other micro-retailers in Mozambique, Juliana Mário has seen her sales decrease because of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, with the support of TechnoServe’s Business Women Connect team, Juliana has learned how to keep her business open and maintain her livelihood through these difficult times.
Kindra Halvorson, TechnoServe's Chief Transformation Officer, explores how COVID-19 is affecting farmers, food processors, and other small businesses within Africa’s complex food systems and how these can be strengthened through coordinated support.
In this article for Farming First, TechnoServe's Kindra Halvorson presents a strategy for strengthening Africa's food systems in the face of COVID-19.