Homecoming for the Cocoa Boom
Belinda Saldaña grows cocoa as a legacy for her children and grandchildren. Her cocoa production nearly doubled after she adopted pruning and fertilization methods promoted by TechnoServe.
Belinda Saldaña grows cocoa as a legacy for her children and grandchildren. Her cocoa production nearly doubled after she adopted pruning and fertilization methods promoted by TechnoServe.
Anglo American’s Christian Spano discusses the mining company’s development strategy and its successful partnership with TechnoServe on entrepreneurship programs.
A group of enterprising women from the Peruvian Amazon are turning the region's cocoa into high-quality products lauded by the global chocolate industry.
What can the success of a small-town fishmonger teach us about the financing needs of entrepreneurs? Quite a bit, according to TechnoServe's Chile country director.
TechnoServe is implementing two programs in Brazil with the global mining company Anglo American, taking a market systems approach to creating prosperity through enterprise development.
TechnoServe’s Simon Winter visits Peru and discovers a burgeoning cocoa industry.
Entrepreneurs in a remote region of Chile are taking their businesses to the next level with support from TechnoServe’s Potencia Patagonia program.
Geister Cachique remembers the days when he and his family depended on coca plants to earn a living. Coca, which can be processed into cocaine, was one of the only crops that would grow well on their marginal land in the community of Las Mercedes, located in Peru’s tropical San…
The Economic Development Alliance for San Martín accelerated the transition of the San Martín region of Peru into a sustainable, legal and prosperous economy, increasing employment and incomes while promoting good stewardship of natural resources.
The EMERGE program is a collaboration between Anglo American and TechnoServe that works to accelerate micro and small businesses in communities surrounding Anglo American operations in Chile.