Latin America and the Caribbean

Couple smiling looking at their coffee beans drying out

The MAS Project: Sustainable Agricultural Improvement

The four-year Sustainable Agricultural Improvement project (Mejoramiento Agrícola Sostenible, or MAS, in Spanish) targeted small and medium-scale coffee and bean farmers in the central region of Honduras. Funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food for Progress program, the project supported the Honduran government's national development plan and agriculture sector strategy.

Agriculture, Coffee
U.S. Department of Agriculture

The Fruits of Women’s Empowerment

By Daniella De Franco and Isaac Gardner Like many women in Desvarieux, Haiti, Nadege Gabriel works hard to make ends meet. In a rural economy burdened by instability and poor market infrastructure, she struggles to maintain a steady income and worries about how to keep her young son…