Our monthly photo series highlights the beauty and emotion in the lives of our clients around the world.

TechnoServe’s work with people fighting poverty around the world is full of striking stories and images. Each month, we share a few of our favorite photos from the everyday beauty of our clients’ journeys towards better incomes and better futures. 

Maintaining economic and environmental sustainability is a delicate balance. This month’s photographs showcase the beauty of the natural world as well as eco-conscious practices that promote better lives and livelihoods for people fighting poverty around the globe. Learn more about these efforts below–and don’t forget to vote for your favorite photo!

Photo 1

green forest in Ethiopia

Ethiopia’s lush Gabrebecho Forest is home to dozens of species of birds, primates, and other wildlife, as well as many types of trees and medicinal plants. But like many wooded areas around the world, it faces constant threat from deforestation. Helping local people earn good livelihoods from healthy forests is one of the best ways to promote nature preservation, while also reducing poverty. In Ethiopia’s forest communities, people work with TechnoServe to develop steady incomes from honey, spices, and wild coffee, among other non-timber forest products.

RELATED BLOG POST: How Coffee Can Save Ethiopia’s Forests

Photo 2

fishing for scallops in Peru

Small-scale fishers search for scallops off the central coast of Peru. Seafood provides the primary source of protein for over half the population in the least developed countries. Yet pollution, overfishing, and climate change are contributing to dangerously rising sea temperatures and increased ocean acidity. The emerging blue economy offers a way to preserve the ocean ecosystem while supporting local livelihoods. Learn more about win-win blue economy solutions and how TechnoServe is partnering to scale impact.

RELATED BLOG POST: 3 Win-Win Solutions to Promote Ocean Conservation and Local Livelihoods

Photo 3

man herding cattle in field in Kenya

Livestock account for a stunning 14.5% of global greenhouse gas emissions. At the same time, many small-scale farmers–like this man herding cattle in Kenya–depend on livestock for their family’s income. TechnoServe works with livestock and dairy farmers around the world to improve both their incomes and environmental sustainability, with eco-conscious practices that reduce deforestation or lower emissions.

RELATED BLOG POST: Long-Term Dairy Partnership Helps Producers–and the Environment

Your participation contributes to the ongoing global conversations about environmental sustainability. While a picture can be worth a thousand words, you can also read more here about TechnoServe’s work improving both economic and environmental sustainability around the world.

Will you make a difference in the lives of hardworking people around the world?