U.S. Ambassador’s Visit Celebrates Cashew as Cash Crop
Organized by TechnoServe’s Prosper Cashew, Tour Hailed as Positive Example of Agro-Industry Growth for West Africa
Organized by TechnoServe’s Prosper Cashew, Tour Hailed as Positive Example of Agro-Industry Growth for West Africa
L'article paru dans Remote Sensing of Environment représente l'une des premières tentatives d'utilisation de la télédétection et de l'apprentissage automatique dans le contexte de petites exploitations arboricoles à une échelle nationale.
The paper in Remote Sensing of Environment represents one of the first efforts to use remote sensing and machine learning in smallholder tree-crop landscapes on a national scale.
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Here are some of the top ways that nuts offer an all-in-one solution to creating lasting, inclusive change for families and economies around the world.
The partnership will help develop the skilled human resources needed to support the growth of the country’s promising cashew processing sector