Making Cocoa More Profitable
Ghana is one of the world's top producers of cocoa, a highly-demanded export crop grown by an estimated 700,000 farmers.
Ghana is one of the world's top producers of cocoa, a highly-demanded export crop grown by an estimated 700,000 farmers.
TechnoServe was an implementing partner in the African Cashew Initiative, which worked to improve the volume and value of cashews produced and processed in Africa.
Aiming to increase smallholder farmers’ access to sustainable markets in Ethiopia, TechnoServe implemented the World Food Program’s Purchase for Progress (WFP-P4P) project by providing support to 16 farmer-owned cooperative unions.
With funding from Mother Parkers Tea & Coffee, TechnoServe is developing and implementing coffee waste water solutions in the Sidama region of Ethiopia, to reduce river water contamination.
The Coop Academy is helping to create a professional and sustainable cocoa industry that benefits producers, their communities and the Ivorian economy.
In parallel to the Cocoa Livelihoods Program (CLP), TechnoServe was a key implementer in the African Cocoa Initiative (ACI), which sought to institutionalize effective public and private sector models for sustainable productivity growth and improve food security on cocoa farms in West and Central Africa.
TechnoServe is a key implementer in the Cocoa Livelihoods Program, which seeks to double the incomes of one third of West African cocoa farming households within 10 years.
As part of the African Cashew Initiative, TechnoServe worked with the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) to improve profitability and competitiveness of the cashew value chain in Ghana, Côte d’Ivoire, Benin and Burkina Faso.
The Economic Development Alliance for San Martín accelerated the transition of the San Martín region of Peru into a sustainable, legal and prosperous economy, increasing employment and incomes while promoting good stewardship of natural resources.
Walmart Foundation Mexico and TechnoServe collaborate in the Inclusive Agriculture Program, an initiative to support smallholder farmers in Mexico to increase their productivity, quality and sustainability standards, and develop their business capabilities to facilitate their integration into the value chain of main buyers of fruits and vegetables in the country.