Our monthly photo series highlights the beauty and emotion in the lives of our clients around the world.

TechnoServe’s work with people fighting poverty around the world is full of striking stories and images. Each month, we share a few of our favorite photos from the everyday beauty of our clients’ journeys towards better incomes and better futures. 

This month, we are highlighting the issue of Food Security through our photos. 

Vote for your favorite below.

Photo 1

Connaughton - Chefs for Change RSS visit photos in Peru

According to the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization, Peru has become the most food-insecure country in South America. In fact, more than half the population of the country now find themselves without regular access to enough safe and nutritious food. Since 1982, TechnoServe has supported businesses in a range of industries with the potential to grow, and to create jobs and opportunity for thousands of people. This means that our clients in Peru are better able to afford the nutritious food they need to thrive. 

Photo 2

Sebastian Msola, Managing Director, Kibaigwa Flour Supplies, Dodoma, Tanzania Photo by Nile Sprague TuboCha and SAFE

While Tanzania currently produces enough food to feed its population, the most economically disadvantaged and marginalized families have limited access to it. According to the UN’s World Food Program, chronic malnutrition rates in the country are above the African average, with 32% of children under five being stunted. TechnoServe worked with public and private partners to increase the competitiveness of the African food processing sector to expand availability of affordable and nutritious foods to local populations. Our work benefited more than 1,000 food processors that source from more than 800,000 smallholder farmers in five countries. 

Photo 3

Kellogg (World Food Day) stills

As India is the second most populous country in the world, the country bears a huge burden of global food insecurity. According to the UN’s World Food Program, malnutrition remains widely prevalent;on the 2020 Global Hunger Index, India ranks 94th out of 107 countries. To help address this, the Kellogg Company partnered with TechnoServe to build a more sustainable and secure food future for smallholder farmers in Madhya Pradesh, India. By providing training to improve crop yields for farmers and by working with women from farming households to create their own backyard gardens, the partnership is increasing incomes and access to nutritious foods for rural families.

Working with determined people around the world, TechnoServe is helping improve food security through systemic change. Our programs provide a range of strategically targeted training to meet the specific needs of each type of entity involved in a food system. 

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