Two farmers inspecting their crops in Nicaragua


Although Nicaragua is the second poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, its geography and natural resources are favorable for accessing both regional and international markets. The country’s growing economy is based largely in agriculture and tourism, with the financial industry starting to take root.

Since 1976, TechnoServe has been helping smallholder farmers and entrepreneurs in Nicaragua access formal markets, improve product quality, manage businesses, boost profits and become competitive. TechnoServe also works with entrepreneurs across various industries, providing business training, advice and support through several entrepreneurship development programs.

Edificio Discover I, Módulo IA, Residencial Villa Fontana
Semáforos del Club Terraza 1 cuadra al Sur. Managua, Nicaragua


Agriculture Projects in Nicaragua

Blog Posts


Accelerating Impact from Entrepreneurs

Lessons learned from TechnoServe’s work with SGBs in Central America, based on research conducted by Emory University and the Impulsa Tu Empresa program.

Case Study: Building a Competitive and Inclusive Livestock Sector in Nicaragua

How the Ganaderia Empresarial (GANE) project transformed Nicaragua’s livestock sector and worked with smallholder farmers to increase their productivity, quality and market access.

Impulsa Tu Empresa Impact Audit Report from ImpactMatters

In 2017, TechnoServe engaged ImpactMatters, an impact audit firm founded with support from Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA), to review several projects within our portfolio. This impact audit reviews the Impulsa Tu Empresa program implemented in El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua from 2013 to 2017.