Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning

Building a rigorous MEL system for a MSD program focused on WEE

The WIN program was set up in Mozambique to advance women’s economic empowerment (WEE), especially among women entrepreneurs, using a Market Systems Development (MSD) approach. In Market Systems Development, programs work with market actors (private and public sector) to design and test ways to improve the functioning of a market, in a way that benefits a certain target group – in this case, low-income women.

This guide is part of a four-part series on designing, implementing and monitoring impactful MSD programs to advance WEE. The four chapters are: Sector Selection and Diagnosis, Partner Selection, Intervention Strategy and Monitoring, Learning and Evaluation. This tool will respond important questions about MSD approach, such as, why is MEL in MSD different? And what type of MEL is need in WEE program? And will also share main goals of WIN’s MEL system, MEL tools and frameworks.