Improving Market Led Production of Target Crops
TechnoServe seeks to increase the production of teff, wheat, and maize for more than 200,000 farmers and strengthen the farmers access to output markets.
TechnoServe seeks to increase the production of teff, wheat, and maize for more than 200,000 farmers and strengthen the farmers access to output markets.
Staple crops like maize, soy and bean can provide much more than just subsistence for smallholders, they can also increase income, create jobs and improve food security. The Storage and Proper Post-Harvest Improvements for Resource Efficiency (SAPPHIRE) program, funded by the DFID, worked to capitalize on the potential of maize and increase incomes for farmers through increasing productivity and improved aggregation.
TechnoServe serves as the manager of the Technical Assistance Facility (TAF), which supports the African Agriculture Fund, a private equity fund, to address food security challenges across Africa. TAF provided technical assistance to small and growing businesses (SGBs) invested in by the African Agriculture Fund, and improved linkages between enterprises and smallholder outgrowers.