
Take our quiz to find out how much you know about recent global environmental news.

November 2023 is a big month for environmental news. The United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28) kicks off in Dubai as the world grapples with the ongoing impacts of climate change. How much do you know about this month’s global environmental news? Test your knowledge with our latest current events quiz!

A green forest in Ethiopia. Part of the TechnoServe environmental news quiz.
Shegole coffee farming cooperative in western Ethiopia.

November 2023 Current Events Quiz

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Recently, the U.S. released its National Climate Assessment, which found that climate change costs the United States $150 billion annually, or roughly 0.6% of GDP. Last year, a study found that heat waves alone cost low-income countries an average of what percentage of their GDP?*
This year's COP28 will feature the first-ever "global stocktake," which assesses participants' progress against goals made in the 2015 Paris Accords. Which of the world's top 10 greenhouse gas polluters emits the least emissions per person?*
A global summit this month in Nairobi, Kenya, aims to develop the world's first treaty to address which environmental crisis?*
Food systems will be a major theme of this year's COP28. How much of the world's carbon emissions are caused by food production?*
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