Expert or Amateur? Take our quiz to find out!

As part of TechnoServe’s business approach to environmental sustainability, we work not only to strengthen the resilience of the farmers, entrepreneurs, and businesses that operate within a market system but also contribute to the overall sustainability of that system.

Do you consider yourself an expert on the facts and figures around climate change and how it impacts our food sources? Take our quiz and test your knowledge today. Good Luck!

2022 Climate Change Quiz

TechnoServe quiz related to climate change in the world today.

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During the 2012-2013 growing year, Central America had a severe outbreak of coffee leaf rust, known as “ _______” that destroyed almost ______________ of the region’s coffee production.*
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In Côte d’Ivoire, the optimal altitude for cocoa cultivation is expected to increase by __________% by 2050 due to increasing temperatures.*
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____________ more people could be at risk for malaria due from global warming of 2-3 degrees Celcius.*
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One Harvard study found that carbon dioxide reduced protein levels between ____________% in crops including rice, wheat, and potatoes.*
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Converting waste into a super charcoal called, ___________ instead of burning it – removes ________ tons of CO2 from the atmosphere for every ton produced.*
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