Cynthia Cobb
Senior Director, Compliance
Cynthia Cobb is the Senior Director, Compliance of Technoserve and currently oversees the compliance program, promotes a culture of compliance through training and regular communication on important topics and works with others in management to establish, monitor, support policies and procedures to comply with the multiple donor regulations.
Previously, she was the Senior Director, Grants and Contracts. Cynthia is seasoned contracts professional with over 20 years of experience working with numerous donors in grants management from US government, foundations, corporations, multi-lateral institutions and European governments. Prior to joining TechnoServe in 2011, Cynthia was a grants and contracts manager at Population Services International (PSI) for 7 years and prior to that she held the same position at the Population Council. Cynthia holds a MA in Anthropology from George Washington University and an BA in Anthropology from Vassar College.
“Establishing a trusting relationship with our donors is critical for TechnoServe to reach our impact targets and this trust is in part due to having systems in place that can comply with donor regulations and host country laws.”